Sunday, January 17, 2010

Apple blocking VoIP, but WHY????

Here are few questions to be wondered about :
Why Skype hadn't enabled Push Notifications in their latest iPhone update, and more importantly, why we couldn't use Skype, or any voice over IP service, over 3G?

Peter Parkes, a Skype blogger, wrote in to clarify that they are working on the Push notifications and its surely coming. Also, the reason they can't enable VoIP over 3G isn't a limitation by AT&T.

Many of you have also been asking when we'll release a version which allows you to make calls over 3G - the holy grail of Skype on the mobile, if you like. So your answer is "APPLE". When Apple blocks a capability on the iPhone, it tells us that they are into cooking up somthing really similar or even quite unique way of doing it. They've already proven it once by blocking video on iPhone and iPhone 3G and then introducing it with a revolutionary breakaway feature on the iPhone 3GS. Maybe, Apple has something amazing to do with the VoIP stuff too. Patience is the key to all.


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