Saturday, December 5, 2009

$$$ Earn Money Online Free on your Paypal id or Cheque just by surfing your net $$$

Want to earn real money just by some internet surfing??

Seems interesting rite, and its easy too. Just complete some of the following registration and start earning right away. All you need to have is an Email id in working condition, a PayPal id [required for some sites], a Blog or your website [ if you are looking forward to get advertisements on your space]. Thats it !
Now the main question how do you actually earn ? The answer is, you just get some ads, you click on them and visit them for a maximum time of 30 seconds and Ching!!! your account gets credited with the assured payment. Now each of the sites have their own minimum payout limit.
This is now for bloggers or those who own their own site, all you need to do is signup on following links and submit your site URL. Your site will be verified and if approved, you will see ads on your site. Whenever any unique visitor clicks those ads your account gets credited. Now that seems easy as all you need to do is Draw traffic to your site and get unique clicks.. The more you post, the more people visit your site and you keep earning cash $$$. Thats all for introduction, here you go with the links of various sites.

1. Clicksia : Get ads to view and get credited for the visits you do.
Minimum payout : $1

2. NeoBux : This is one of the oldest and most trusted sites in the PTC [ Paid To Click] market.
Minimum payout : $2

3. AdBrite : This one is for Bloggers. Register here and get paid for clicks on Ads on your site.
Minimum payout : $5 [In the form of Cheque]

4. Precisehits : You get ads for your site here, you get quite a bit of traffic on your site, and you get to earn a lot of cash too !!

5. Slide Up Ads : Worried about advertising your site, but cant do it because of high advertising rates?? Here is the key, your site gets advertised depending upon how many unique page impressions you actually get !! The more is your site traffic, more your site gets advertised.

6. Hits 4 Pay : How about a gift on signup ? Huh.... like $10 for your paypal account?? Fair enough, register and get signup bonus thereafter read emails and get paid. A very huge opportunity.
Minimum Payout : $25

What are you waiting for now?? Christmas??